Metric Fencing Blog


10 Reasons You Should Choose Colorbond for Your Fence

Colorbond has been providing high-quality steel to Australian homes and businesses for over 50 years! Colorbond are proven providers of steel-coated fencing and other metal products. With over five decades of testing and innovation in some of…
black fencing - white house

The Advantages of Automatic Gates

Whether you live in a busy suburb or out in the Perth Hills an automatic gate could not only make life easier but could actually improve the value of your property. It will also catch the eyes of your neighbours and make your home look chic…
White wall with slat fencing

Give Your Home A Modern Look With Slat Fencing

Slat fencing has been a popular fencing option over the years. If you haven’t made the change or are thinking of installing slat fencing, here are some reasons why you should! Slat fencing provides many benefits on top of offering a clean,…