Metric Fencing
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Selecting the right security fence for your commercial property is vital to safeguarding your assets. Garrison fencing is an ideal option for security fencing that separates a private or commercial lot from public spaces, as these fences are commonly required to be at least 50% permeable. That is, they are often required to have gaps that make up at least 50% of the length of the fence for visibility.

What To Consider In A Commercial Security Fence:

Commercial security fencing requirements vary depending on industry and local shire regulations, such as the City of Gosnells Fencing Local Law 2017, but below are several key regulatory considerations:

  • Zoning and Land Use: Regulatory requirements may be affected by both the zoning of your lot and any adjoining lots. 
  • Compliance with Australian Standards: Standards Australia have published several standards regarding specific fencing applications and materials.
  • Design & Construction: There are strict requirements regarding fence material and construction, any harmful elements such as barbed wire and electrified fencing and when/where it is appropriate to implement these measures.
  • Fence Height: Fence heights vary depending on other regulatory requirements. It is essential to consider your city’s local laws.
  • Visibility: The permeability requirements of a boundary fence depend on the zoning of the properties the fence separates. If the fence borders a public space, it will generally be required to allow at least 50% visibility, while a fence separating two residential, commercial, industrial or rural lots should be solid and provide no visibility through the fence (a Colorbond fence is an ideal alternative in this instance).

Non-regulatory specific considerations should include:

  • Durability & Maintenance: The strength of the materials used, their weather resistance and maintenance requirements. 
  • Aesthetics: How does the fence look? And what it infers about the business within.
  • Cost: Consider the long-term cost of your investment, including the material, installation and maintenance costs. 
  • Security: What level of physical barrier or deterrent is required by your business?

When considering commercial fencing to separate your property from a public space, a general rule of thumb is that the fence should be 1.8m tall, provide at least 50% visibility and be made of robust materials, such as steel, specifically designed for fencing. Aside from regulatory requirements, the security fence for your commercial property should be durable, aesthetically pleasing and, when necessary, act as a physical deterrent.

Garrison Fencing

Garrison fencing is a robust steel fencing solution for your commercial property’s fencing needs. Available in several styles and fence post caps, garrison fencing is a secure and aesthetically pleasing fencing style for your property.   

Typically made from steel or aluminium, garrison fencing can be incredibly durable and resistant to Australia’s harsh weather conditions. These materials are resistant to rust and corrosion, which reduces the need for frequent maintenance, repainting or repairing the fence, saving your business money over the fence’s lifetime.

Garrison fencing’s simple design can easily be adapted to different heights and styles, allowing it to meet government regulations, provide visibility and enable easier installation than other more complex options.

With options for looped, straight or spear fence post caps, garrison fencing can vary in physical deterrence based on your commercial property’s security needs.

Garrison fencing meets the many varied requirements of commercial fencing separating a private property from a public space.

With over 30 years of experience, contact the team at Metric Fencing for any of your commercial fencing needs. We are one of Perth’s leading suppliers of aluminium and steel fencing solutions.