Metric Fencing
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As with all things eventually, your fencing will wear out and need replacing. It’s often forgotten that your fence plays a large role in keeping you safe and providing necessary privacy. Whether you are looking at replacing your fencing, or think it’s not quite time yet, here are 5 signs that it is time to replace your fence:

1. Safety concerns

The main purpose of your fencing is protection. It is important to protect children, pets and yourself. Over time the structure of your fence may start to deteriorate, forming holes, gaps or leaning. Replacing your fence will give you peace of mind that nothing can squeeze in or out of your property.

2. Rotting

Not many people closely inspect their fences regularly. Over time timber and Hardifence may start to break down and rot, particularly if it has not been maintained. Rot is usually first seen along the bottom of your fence. This weakens your fence, making it more susceptible to being damaged. Replacing your fence now means that you won’t be under pressure if your fence breaks during winter or extreme weather.


Dark brown aluminium slat panel infill panels installed in white concreate pillars


3. Repairs vs Replacement

You may be spending money on repairs and maintenance that could go towards getting a new fence. Constantly repairing and maintaining your aged fence may work out to be more expensive in the long run.

If you were to put money into Colorbond fencing made from Bluescope colorbond steel, you’d have a high quality fence with a 10 year warranty and little to no maintenance. If you are uncertain, get in contact with a fencing supplier to discuss your potential fencing options.

4. Increase your property value

Understandably, installing new fencing is viewed as an investment. However, installing quality fencing, such as Colorbond fencing, can increase your property value immensely. Installing a new fence is a relatively inexpensive way to add significant value to your home. Consider safety, privacy and aesthetics to get the most out of your new fencing.

5. Privacy

You can’t put a price on privacy in your own home. There is nothing worse than feeling like you don’t have privacy in your own space. Installing a new fence will give you the privacy and comfort that you need and stop neighbours or passers-by from looking in. Metric’s range of colorbond fencing has been designed to allow for additional privacy features including, 2.1m slat extensions. A quality fence can also reduce road noise and provide you with a private, outdoor space where you can spend more time in.

When it comes to replacing your fencing, you’ll likely know. Perhaps the thing stopping you is that it seems like a large project to undertake. Our expert team at Metric Fencing can turn your concerns into solutions. As reputable fencing suppliers, we will guide you through the best options for your home and situation. For advice contact us or call us now.